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+91 9823273936
SAKAR Web Design & Development (Wordpress)


Web Design & Development (WordPress)

Visit Website


  • CMS: WordPress Development
  • User Interface / UX
  • HTML5 / CSS3 frontend
  • jQuery
  • Responsive

Project Overview

SAKAR is an acronym for Society for Adoption Knowledge Awareness and Resource. We are well known for child care and development since 1994 in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. SAKAR is a registered voluntary organization, which is Government Recognized and Licensed. We are committed towards the cause of making the world a better place to live, for the orphans whom we call “The Blessed Ones”, finding loving homes for them. SAKAR as a unifying entity builds a bridge of relationship by bringing unfledged, cherubic little orphans and eager parents deprived of parenthood together.